Daily Archives:Wednesday May 24th, 2023


Speech at the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Distance and Blended Education as a Means of Implementation of the Individual Trajectory of the Teacher’s Professional Growth»

On May 24, 2023, Nataliia Morze, professor of the Department of Computer Sciences of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Mathematics of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor (Ukraine) gave a speech “Educational trends in the context of European integration processes” at the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference “Distance and blended learning as a means of realizing the individual trajectory of a teacher’s professional growth” within the framework of the project “Digital transformation in education: the best studies of the EU”.

107 participants took part in the conference, including teachers, scientific and pedagogical workers, heads of educational institutions (directors and deputy directors), methodologists of post-graduate education institutes, graduate students, speech therapists, psychologists, specialists of education departments. In general, the conference was attended by representatives of educational institutions from 21 regions of Ukraine, including Kherson, Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The largest number of participants registered from the city of Kyiv (32.6%), Zaporizhzhia (15.4%), Kharkiv (10.8%), and Kyiv (8.4%) regions. Participants who were unable to participate in the synchronous remote format were invited to the conference materials (video recording, individual presentations). 76% of the participants gave favorable feedback regarding the organization and content of the conference.

The participants listened to and discussed reports on the problems of education transformation in the conditions of digitalization of society. In particular, Natalya Morse familiarized the conference participants with the tasks of the project “Digital transformation in education: the best studies of the EU”, educational trends in the context of European integration processes, features of the use of digital tools in educational activities, raised the issue of ensuring safe and effective learning by means of digital technologies and the use of world experience construction of the educational system.

Conference program at the link.