Participation of representatives of the project “Digital transformation in education: the best studies of the EU” (DigTriES), Erasmus+ (Jean Monnet Module), #101099006, in the kick-off meeting regarding new grants


Participation of representatives of the project “Digital transformation in education: the best studies of the EU” (DigTriES), Erasmus+ (Jean Monnet Module), #101099006, in the kick-off meeting regarding new grants

On January 31, 2023, the participants of the project “Digital transformation in education: the best studies of the EU” (DigTriES), Erasmus+ (Jean Monnet Module), #10109900, took part in the kick-off meeting on new grants, organized by the executive agency (EACEA).

At the meeting, the main requirements for writing projects, reporting, organization of payments, etc. were presented. Participants exchanged experience in grant management, discussed obligations under the grant agreement. Cases on distribution and communication within the project were presented. The participants of the meeting had time to communicate in subgroups to share experiences and clarify issues related to the organization of project implementation.

Meeting plan at the link.